Thursday, August 24, 2006

Take a Bite on Google Big Sweet Pie - YouTube Experiments with Video Ads

According to The Wall Street Journal, YouTube , the viral video site's latest move is to sell advertiser videos on the home page and special advertiser-created pages. Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. records will be the first to roll out the ad pages with a video promotion for Paris Hilton's new music album, released today. YouTube and Warner Bros. will share ad revenue. To date, YouTube, which is just 18 months old, has carried display and text ads it has sold itself or brokered via third parties. Company execs say they aim to create a system that pioneers new ad formats and could be extended to broker ads for other Web publishers, a la Google. Chad Hurley, the young company's chief executive, says YouTube's strategy "revolves around the idea of having brand advertisers participate and become part of our community."

This video ad move really makes me believe YouTube will take a bite on Google's big sweet advertising pie!

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